Join our Rosary Crusade
for Pro-Life Donald Trump |
Enlightening The Catholic
Voting Community
There are 67 Million Catholics in the
United States; 51 million votes are required to elect a US President. We must utilize our dominance to eliminate
candidates whose core philosophy is founded on the
systematic murdering of tens of millions of defenseless innocent babies.
Voting Guides Are Now Available:
The Vatican Guidelines
Crystal Are Clear:
A Catholic Cannot Vote
For A Political Candidate Who Supports Abortion!
"It must in any case be
clearly understood that whatever may be laid down by civil law
in this matter, man can never obey a law which is in itself
immoral, and such is the case of a law which would admit in
principle the liceity of abortion. Nor can he take part in a
propaganda campaign in favor of such a law, or vote for it.
Moreover, he may not collaborate in its application"
(Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Declaration on
Procured Abortion, November 18, 1974, nos. 19-22).
"John Paul
II, continuing the constant teaching of the Church, has reiterated
many times that those who are directly involved in lawmaking bodies
have a «grave and clear obligation to oppose» any law that attacks
human life. For them, as for every Catholic, it is impossible to
promote such laws or to vote for them" (Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith, Doctrinal Note on Some Questions Regarding
the Participation of Catholics in Political Life 2002), no. 4).
Catholics need to be cognizant that there may be as
many as five seats on the US Supreme Court to be filled by the next
President of the United States. Christians must be vigilant not to
be influenced by cunning deception to vote for anyone other than the
most Pro-Life Political Candidate which is Donald Trump, who has
provided a list of outstanding Conservative Pro-Life Judges. We know
with absolute certainty, that if elected, Hillary Clinton will fill
every one of those vacancies with ultra liberal pro-abortion judges.
Christians who vote for abortion directly enable those who rip these
defenseless innocent pre-born babies apart. Jesus said that
whosoever harms one of these little ones, it is better for him that
a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the
sea (Mark 9:42).
The Real History of Civil
Rights Support - Republicans 94% / Democrats 35% |
1854 Republican Party
formed to "Stop the spread of slavery", Democratic Party was
1854 Republican Party
Opposes Kansas-Nebraska Act upholding slavery.
1863 Abraham Lincoln
(Republican) issues Emancipation Proclamation to free the slaves.
1865 13th Amendment
passes abolishing slavery - Republicans 100% / Democrats 23%
1865 KKK launches as
the "Terrorist Arm" of the Democratic Party
1866 Republican Party
passes Civil Rights Act for freed slaves
1868 14th Amendment
makes freed slave US Citizens - Republicans 94% / Democrats 0%
1870 15th Amendment
passes for slaves to vote - Republicans 100% / Democrats 0%
1871 Republicans pass
The Anti-KKK Act
1875 First Anti-Ciscrimination
Law in America - Republicans 99% / Democrats 0%
1909 NAACP is created
by three Republicans; Mary White Ovington, William English
and Henry Moskowitz.
1914 Democrat President
Woodrow Wilson segregates Federal Gov & US Military
1915 Democrats showcase first
movie ever shown in the White House "Birth of a Nation"
praising the KKK
1922 Republicans pass
first Anti-Lynching Law - Republicans 92% / 18%
1957 First Civil Rights
Law in 82 years - Republicans 92% / Democrats 54%
1960 Civil Rights Act
of 1960 - Republicans 93% / Democrats 68%
Republican Martin Luther King Jr. gives his "I Have A Dream Speech"
1964 Civil Rights Act
of 1964 - Republicans 80% / Democrats 63%
Martin Luther King Day signed into law by Republican President
Ronald Reagan
Americans with Disabilities Act signed by Republican George H W Bush
Civil Rights Act of 1991 signed by Republican George H W Bush
Both 1990 & 1991 Acts are recognized as the most Pro-Civil Rights
Acts in decades
Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act pushed by George W. Bush, to
create a
citizenship path for undocumented immigrants as well as guest
workers. Act was
derailed by Democrats |
Heavenly Father, Your love is eternal. In Your ocean of love You saved the
world through Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Now look at Your Son on the
Cross who is constantly bleeding for love of His people and forgive Your world.
Purify and baptize aborted children with the Precious Blood and Water from the
Sacred Side of Your Son, Jesus
See more Christ, who hung dead
on the Cross for their salvation in the name of the Father, and of the son and
of the Holy Spirit. May they, through the Holy Death of Jesus Christ, gain
everlasting life, through His wounds be healed and through His Precious Blood be
freed; there to rejoice with the Saints in Heaven. Amen.
"Through this prayer
large numbers of innocent unborn babies will be saved, pray it daily and make it
known to the world. Baptize them with this prayer." Imprimatur: Bishop Ayo-Maria Atoyebi, O.P. Diocese of Ilorin, Nigeria
Pope Benedict XVI said that abortion is crime against society (1).
Those who vote for Candidates who utilizes their political skills to promulgate
legislation supporting abortion, likewise assist in the evils of
abortion. Catholics who vote for Pro-abortion politicians, who pave the way for genocide,
are just as responsible for the slaughter as the abortionists themselves. Each
and every one of us has a duty and responsibility to utilize our vote to end the
silent massacre. When you cast your vote, consider the innocent lives of those
who have no voice.